
Our primary goal at Simply French Tutoring is to make learning enjoyable and memorable!
To do so, we incorporate a multitude of teaching strategies and methods.

For those new to the language, exposure to the language’s common and natural sounds/words is the most fundamental step. Therefore, we use the multi-sensory approach to reach this goal. Learners use their senses to create stronger bonds and links between the sounds and the language. The senses activated in learning are visual, auditory, tactile-kinesthetic, olfactory, and taste. It is ideal to activate 2 or more senses for the learner to integrate the new words into their vocabulary. Pictures, words, flashcards, and realia are examples used during the lesson to help learners create bonds in the language. This approach has helped boost motivation.

In addition, we also incorporate Krashen’s method of Comprehensible Input while creating an “immersive” experience.

By extensive research, we have concluded that reading is by far the most effective component of strengthening one’s comprehension. Reading increases vocabulary, demonstrates sentence structure, corrects pronunciation, presents verbs in their various tenses, and increases confidence in speaking. Thus, we have invested in a wide array of physical and online books.